They’re red, but they’re not tomatoes, what are they doing there? One bite and I was a convert! Strawberries are juicy, tart, and sweet and make a playful addition to salads of all kinds, including a quinoa salad. Our quinoa salad is pretty straightforward but with layers of flavor. There’s the nutty quinoa base, with a zesty orange vinaigrette. Baby arugula provides a peppery green. There are toasted almonds for crunch, and sliced green onions for the necessary allium. Interspersed are chunks of ripe strawberries for the wow factor. Perfect for a potluck gathering or a festive lunch. Enjoy!

1 cup uncooked quinoa 2 cups water 10 strawberries, cored and quartered 1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted 2 to 3 green onions, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons thinly sliced fresh mint 2 cups of baby arugula

For the vinaigrette:

1 tablespoon orange zest 3 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar Pinch salt 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Serve immediately.