When I was a kid, on the days peas were being served for dinner, my siblings and I would jockey for a particular seat at the dining room table. This spot had a secret drawer in the table. (Well maybe not so secret, but good enough to not catch the notice of our unsuspecting parents.) The trick was to take a spoonful of peas, cover your mouth as if you were wiping something away, extricate the peas from your mouth into your hand, slyly open the drawer, and place the peas in the drawer. Yes! Mission accomplished! “See mom and dad, I finished my peas!” I think they finally caught on one day when cleaning the table they came across some shriveled up old peas, but the ruse was good while it lasted. Thank goodness I outgrew that! These days I always like to keep at least one bag of frozen peas in the freezer. Not only do they make a great impromptu ice pack if you need one, but they cook up in a flash and go with practically anything. Simple is best. And if I have a spare minute I’ll snip a leaf or two of mint from the yard, slice it thin and add to the peas. If you want, add a pinch of sugar to highlight the sweetness of the already sweet peas. When the stock has reduced, turn off the heat and add the remaining butter and some black pepper. Serve at once. If you want, sprinkle on some sliced fresh mint.