Make them in advance on a lazy Sunday so they’re ready to grab for your work lunch, or pack a few in a bag for an easy picnic meal.

What Is Barley, and Can I Substitute It With Anything?

Barley is a whole grain with a very high fiber and protein content, so it’ll keep you full even if you don’t add any other protein to the jar. It’s chewy, stores well, and complements most add-ins, which makes it a great salad base. I love barley for these jars, but if you don’t have barley, farro is a great substitute. Also, note that barley is not gluten-free, so if you are looking for a gluten-free option you could use quinoa, sorghum, millet, or even brown rice in place of the barley. (Pressure cooking times will vary for other grains.)

Why You Should Cook Barley in an Instant Pot

If you don’t have a pressure cooker, cooking barley takes a while. It needs to be gently simmered for 50-60 minutes to get it to cook all the way through. With an Instant Pot or a pressure cooker, though, barley can be ready to go in about 20 minutes!

New to the Instant Pot? Check out our post How To Use an Instant Pot: A First-Timer’s Guide.

What Can You Add to These Lunch Jars?

I like to add a mix of crunchy vegetables and salad greens to my jars, but there are very few things that wouldn’t go well in these jars. Here are a few of my favorite add-ins:

Feta cheese, blue cheese, or mini mozzarella ballsMarinated artichokes or olivesChopped blanched green beans or broccoliChopped deli meatsSeeds or nuts (sunflower seeds are especially good!)

How to Store the Lunch Jars

The jars will keep in the fridge for 4-5 days if stored in an airtight container. The most important thing to know about storing these jars is to make sure all the ingredients are at room temperature or colder before you add them to the jar. If you add hot barley to a jar and top it with vegetables, it will wilt the vegetables. Not good! You cannot freeze these jars. There is too much air in them to freeze correctly.

How to Serve the Lunch Jars

For serving, if you’re on the go, just eat the salad right out of the jar! (That’s part of what makes this so great.) Or if you have a plate or bowl available, pour the jar out. Either way, I recommend drizzling the jar with a little vinaigrette before serving.

More Grab-And-Go Breakfast and Lunch Ideas:

Grab-and-Go Oatmeal Chia Cups Freezer Breakfast Burritos with Sausage, Eggs and Salsa Verde Homemade Cup of Noodles Quinoa Bowls with Sweet Potatoes, Black Beans, and Spinach Greek Salad in Jars

This makes a light lunch. If you want something more filling, serve with a half sandwich or some grilled chicken for a complete meal. Once finished, let pressure naturally release for five minutes. Vent steam, remove lid, drain off any extra water, and let barley cool to room temperature.