I’ve gotta say, whoever invented coconut flour is an absolute genius. It’s totally transformed my gluten free baking.  So much so, that if i’m baking for a crowd that has a couple of gluten intolerant people, I can happily make one dessert that everyone enjoys. A couple of my other favourites are my GF Hazelnut & Nutella cookies and my GF pineapple upside-down cake. We had some family over last night, so I made some GF white chocolate and pistachio blondies too.  It was a bit of an experiment that worked really well. I don’t know why I choose to experiment when I’ve got 9 people for dinner. I guess I just like living life on edge. Hey, I don’t have to deal with last minute IT emergencies anymore - I’ve got to get my kicks somewhere! Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to photograph them, but I’ll be making them again, so expect to see them soon. I love the family eating parties get togethers on the run up to Christmas.  I’m not a drinker at all really, but Christmas parties are my time for drinking very girly looking glasses of Martini and lemonade.  I can only drink them if I have at least 3 maraschino cherries in there though (90’s girl much!). Of course the cherries piqued the interest of my kids.  So now they wander around with a plastic wine glass with lemonade and a maraschino cherry too.  Anyone looking through the window probably thinks I’m a terrible mother - serving up booze to a 4 year old and an 8 year old. It probably looks even worse when - like yesterday - my little boy also has a jaundiced-looking greeny-yellow face. I was on the brink of taking him to the Dr’s when I noticed how yellow he looked when I picked him up from school yesterday. Turns out he’s been having his face painted for the school nativity rehearsals.  He’s an alien. Don’t ask me what an alien is doing in a school nativity play.  I guess I’ll find out later today! Coming briefly back to the Fluffy Gluten Free Berry Muffins now..

Use whatever berries you have in.  I used blackberries and blueberries. Raspberries, strawberry, even cranberries would all work really well though.  They need to be fresh - not frozen.  It’s fine if they’re a little bit soft too.  In fact that will actually make the muffins a little bit jammier and sweeter. This recipe calls for yoghurt and baking soda to get that light, fluffy texture and nice rise that you find in bakery muffins.  I used raspberry yoghurt, but again, use whatever fruit yoghurt or fromage frais you have in.  If you don’t quite have enough fruit yoghurt then you can top up with sour cream or a little natural yoghurt. I’ve been known to steal a couple of the kids squeezy yoghurts (meant for their packed lunches) and top up with a bit of sour cream, and they still taste great.

The Fluffy Gluten Free Berry Muffins Recipe:


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