Where can I find teff flour? What if I can’t find teff flour? You can make this with wheat flour. I’ve done it. It’s not the same, but if you aren’t ready to invest in some teff flour, give it a try with wheat. It’s still fun. What is teff flour? Teff is the smallest grain in the world and is native to Ethiopia. It’s high in fiber, protein, and iron so it is packed with nutrition. Do I really have to let it sit for 1 to 3 days? Nope. I’ve made it without letting it sit and it was just fine. It just doesn’t have that “sourdough” taste. Can I use teff flour to make anything besides injera? You sure can! You can use it to replace part of the flour in your regular recipes for muffins or breads for a little added nutrition. Is teff flour gluten-free? YES! What dish should I serve this? Why, my tikel gomen of course! Super easy and full of flavor, it is sure to please, and you can easily find the ingredients for your own Ethiopian dinner adventure! Δ Δ

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