Summer meant pick-up games of “pickle” on the quiet street in front of our house, stealing bases, and hoping the kid with the ball would overshoot. It seemed almost every day the ice cream truck came by, our highly trained ears could pick up the tune blocks away. If there was a pool, we played “MARCO POLO” (caps for emphasis, we were loud) for hours and hours. How did our parents put up with us? Oh yeah, they didn’t, they pretty much ignored us most of the time. At least during the summer. Sigh. So, what does this flood of memories have to do with deviled egg salad? Nothing! Other than summer is a perfect time for an egg salad, right?

How To Serve Deviled Egg Salad

This egg salad has all the classic flavors of deviled eggs but in salad form. It’s an excellent dish to bring to a summer or end-of-summer potluck. Just make sure to leave it out no more than 2 hours, after which it should be refrigerated. Serve it over a few pieces of butter lettuce, or spread on a slice of bread or toast.

Make-Ahead Tips for Egg Salad

If you need to make ahead, you can hard boil the eggs a day or two before making the salad, or just make the salad a day or two ahead. The salad will keep for 3 to 5 days in the fridge.

5 More Creamy Salads That Feature Eggs

Tarragon Egg Salad Quick and Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Classic Potato Salad Curried Egg Salad with Mango Chutney Dad’s Potato Salad

Bring the water to a boil, gently place the eggs in the steamer basket or directly in the saucepan. Cover the pot. Set your timer for 15 minutes. Remove eggs and set in icy cold water to cool. Best served chilled. The salad will keep for 3 to 5 days in the fridge.