The Best Rice for Fried Rice

Fried rice is a dish that is meant to repurpose leftover rice from a day or two before. The first time I tried cooking fried rice on my own, I made the mistake of using freshly cooked rice. Because it was still so moist and soft, resulting dish was far too gummy – nothing like what my mother cooked. I don’t even remember if I ate much of that batch of fried rice, but I certainly learned a big lesson! If you don’t have any leftover rice from the night before, cook a batch of rice and spread it on a large baking sheet or several large plates. Let the rice dry out for about 1 to 2 hours before using it for fried rice. Here is some more info on cooking rice:

How to Cook Rice on the Stovetop Guide to Rice Cookers How to Freeze and Reheat Rice The Best Rice Cookers

The Ingredients for Chicken Fried Rice

Now, I make fried rice at home often, and this version with chicken is one of my favorites. I add onions, carrots and peas to my rice, but you can throw in whatever vegetables you have. Diced bell peppers, zucchini or sliced cabbage work well, too. I also add a bit of Chinese five-spice powder to flavor the rice, a habit I picked up from my mother who always used it in her cooking. This is a blend of star anise, peppercorns, cloves, fennel seed, and cinnamon, and it gives the dish a warm spiciness. Feel free to leave it out if you like.

The Steps for Making Fried Rice

This recipe is for chicken fried rice, but you could really use the technique for making fried rice with almost any protein, like shrimp, pork, or tofu.

Storing and Reheating Leftover Fried Rice

Fried rice is really best eaten the day it’s made, but the leftovers aren’t bad either! Store it in the fridge for up to three days. You can reheat fried rice either in the microwave or the stovetop. Sprinkle a tablespoon or two of water over top to help it stay moist, and cover the dish or pan to trap the moisture and prevent the rice from drying out.

Love Fried Rice? Try These Recipes!

Easy Pork Fried Rice with Frozen Vegetables Easy Vegetable Fried Rice Shrimp Fried Rice Ginger Pineapple Fried Rice Salmon Fried Rice

If you don’t have any leftover rice from the night before, cook a batch of rice and spread it on a large baking sheet or several large plates. Let the rice dry out for about 1 to 2 hours before using it for fried rice. Rice sticks to the pan very easily, so make sure to use a wok or pan that doesn’t have a sticky surface. I usually cook stir-fries in my seasoned carbon steel wok, but cast iron or nonstick pans work well, too. You might need to add a little more oil if things aren’t releasing easily. Using your spatula, scrape off any chicken bits that are still stuck to the wok so they don’t burn during the next step. You can also use paper towels to wipe down your wok or pan. Drizzle the soy sauce and sesame oil over the rice and stir to incorporate. Stir in the cooked chicken, scrambled eggs, and the dark parts of the scallions. Stir briefly to bring it together, and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes.