They keep well in the fridge, so you can make a big batch, then enjoy them over several days. They also freeze well, and you can microwave them frozen when you’re ready to eat them. I really like having eggs for breakfast. I do enjoy baked goods such as these keto blueberry muffins. But I find that the most satiating breakfast is a savory one based on eggs. These tasty egg muffins make an easy breakfast or a filling snack. I make a batch of them every few days, refrigerate them, and briefly reheat them in the microwave before enjoying them.


Here’s an overview of the ingredients you’ll need to make these breakfast muffins. The exact measurements are listed in the recipe card below. Oil: For greasing the muffin cups. Eggs: I use large eggs in most of my recipes, this one included. To season: I use black pepper, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes. Grated Parmesan: It’s best to use finely grated parmesan and not coarsely shredded. Chopped scallions: I use the green part only. Cherry tomatoes: Make sure to choose small, firm tomatoes, and slice them in half.


A big advantage of this recipe is that it’s so easy to make. The detailed instructions for making these egg muffins are included in the recipe card below. Here are the basic steps: You start by mixing the eggs and spices in a spouted measuring cup. The spout will make the mixture easier to pour into the muffin cups. Next, use a rubber spatula to add the cheese and then the scallions. Pour the mixture into six greased silicone muffin cups. Divide the tomatoes evenly among the cups. Bake the muffins until set and puffed, for about 20-25 minutes in a 375°F oven.

Expert tips

It’s best to bake these muffins in a lightly greased silicone muffin pan. That’s the only type of pan that they reliably won’t stick to. Another safe option is to use small ceramic ramekins and grease them well.I don’t add any salt because the parmesan adds plenty. But you can add a small amount of salt if you’d like (the nutrition info will obviously change).

Frequently asked questions


You can experiment with different seasonings and cheeses. I’ve made these muffins with shredded sharp cheddar and seeded sliced jalapenos.I’ve also made them with crumbled feta, dried oregano, and black olives or sun-dried tomatoes. Both versions were excellent.Another tasty addition is to add cooked and crumbled bacon to the mixture.As mentioned above, I don’t add salt to the mix. The parmesan (or feta) takes care of that. But if you use cheese that’s not as salty, you might want to add a pinch of salt.If you happen to have extra egg whites, these egg-white muffins are also very good.

Serving suggestions

When I eat them as a snack, I simply grab one or two muffins and eat them - often straight out of the fridge. When I serve them for breakfast, I like to add a small bowl of fresh berries on the side. They are also good with some oven bacon, and it’s convenient that both can be baked in a 375°F oven. My husband, who likes his food spicy, likes to drizzle them with hot sauce. And our youngest, The Picky Eater, tops hers with ketchup. We simply sigh and avert our eyes. 🙂

Storing leftovers

This recipe scales easily. You can double it to make 12 muffins. Keep them in the fridge, in an airtight container, for up to 4 days. Reheat them gently, in the microwave on 50% power. Or simply enjoy them cold!

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Recipe card

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