Our Favorite Baked Apples Recipe

We first posted this recipe in 2006, during another trip east to visit my goddaughter and her family. A gang of us went apple picking and came home with so many we spent a week cooking them into pies, crisps, and these fabulous baked apples.

The Best Apples for Baked Apples

The girls and I used Rome Beauties, a variety of apple that is particularly well suited for baking this way. We based our recipe on one from the Joy of Cooking, with butter and brown sugar, and we fancied it up a bit with chopped pecans and raisins. Growing up we always had baked apples served with a generous portion of vanilla ice cream, a combination I highly recommend.

More Easy Apple Dessert Recipes

Apple Pie Bars with Crumble Topping Easy Baked Apple Slices Apple Carrot Cupcakes Caramel Apples Apple Crisp

If using a paring knife, first cut out the stem area and then use a small metal spoon to scoop out the seeds. Cut the holes so that they are an inch or so wide. Put the apples in a baking dish and stuff each apple with the sugar stuffing mixture. Place a dot of butter (a quarter of the tablespoon called for in the ingredient list) on top of the sugar. When done, remove the apples from the oven and baste them with the juices from the pan. Terrific with a side of vanilla ice cream.